Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Sad Story with an unkown ending that happens to be mine...

Hello my blogging friends!  Yup, just like the title says, I have a sad story to tell  and it just happens to be my very own.

Life has thrown me the hardest, sharpest, quickest curve ball that I could have ever possibly foreseen.  It has  been exactly 7 whole days since I was told that I had a cancerous ulcer in my stomach. Lots of tests followed with lots of Doctors to visit and the end result is quite grim - Stage 4 Gastric Cancer.

This is incurable and maintenance is key.  I will start chemo at the beginning of the new year and life will continue to change as I have known it.

I am not giving up nor am I not fighting for all the time that I can with my family and friends, but the reality is that I have to view my time here on earth in a different way than I have in the past. I will hope that a miracle just might happen to fall my way, but they are rare and unfortunately highly sought after.

I continue to ride an emotional roller coaster that I had never imagined was possible, but in this moment, I'm still riding and will continue to ride as long as I possibly can.

I will also try and continue to share the love of crafting here, but it will be for me and not for anyone else. I hope you will come back to visit when you can, if you can, and if  you believe in prayer, will say a one or two or three (I'm not greedy - honest) for me and my family!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your families!

Until next time.


ScrapbookDBA said...

Katie -
I can only imagine how scared you are right now ... my thoughts and prayers with you and your family!

My sister has been fighting the fight this year ... reoccurrence of breast cancer from 10 years ago in her bones. We did not know what to expect this year ... she was diagnosed exactly 1 year ago yesterday ... and after 22 rounds of chemo .. I am very happy to report that all of her scans are clear! We never know what tomorrow will bring, but for now we are rejoicing in her wonderful news!

I share her story because what is unique about my sister is her attitude ... she "fights like a girl" and has a faithful relationship and many prayer warriors!

Debbie's facebook is Debbie Nelson in Hot Springs, AR ... you can tell it is her by her profile pic of "fighting like a girl". She is an inspiration.

Hang in there and enjoy every moment you can in life!


Holly Young said...

Katie, I will pray that you have the strength to fight this fight and come out stronger than ever. I have two sisters who are fighting their own battles with this terrible disease.

Linda Anderson said...

Katie, you know you are in my thoughts and prayers every single day. You are the strongest person I know and fight you will!! I will be popping in often to check up on you (that sounded like a threat!!!)and want you to know I send you hugs.

Luv Always,

Jan aka StampQn said...

Katie - My prayers are with you for the strength to fight this battle. I have a friend who has battled this same type of cancer and she is a miracle so I know they happen. She is not a blogger but I am going to forward your post to her. She too is "uncurable" but that diagnosis was given to her over 10 years ago.

Margie Higuchi said...

Dear sweet Katie, I lift you and your family in strong prayers of strength.

I have hope and faith that you will give it your best to fight this with strong are a fighter!

Love you, friend! xo

P.S. I'm doubling Linda's threat and checking on you too! LOL!!

Guylaine Seyer said...

I'm not sure what and if there any good word to say. I'm visiting you regulary without often leave comment. But Your story can't do other than toutch, even stranger.
I wish you that miracle, hope it will goes well in the circomstance.

Tricia said...

Love you, Katie. And I'm praying and praying and praying!!!

Linda Borneman said...

Oh Katie, how cruel life can be and I am so sorry that you are beginning this battle. Know that I will be lifting you to the Father daily and I have already asked for a miracle for you, that you might be a shining testimony of His goodness and grace. Hold on to the Father's love and strength as you begin your fight and we'll do the praying...hugs all over the map!

Love & Prayers, Linda

Sue from Oregon said...

Katie-bug, You know I have come to treasure you as a dear friend over the years we have learned to blog together. My thoughts, prayers, hope and love are with you. Love you.

TaDa Girl said...

Katie (our very valued DT member)-

May you find the quality time with your family and friends that you need. They will give you the strength to fight with everything you have. I had a friend with a very grim brain cancer prognosis and he lived 10 years with a most of those years being a great quality of life. He fought with dignity and his chin up, and always greeted every day with a positive attitude and grace. May it be an inspiration to you. Your work has inspired so many others!

Love and hugs from Ohio!


Sharon said...

I'm so sorry to hear that you are having to face such a tough battle. You and your family will be in my prayers this Christmas and I hope you can take inspiration from the many amazing people who have fought and won their battles with this horrible disease. Wishing you a very peaceful Christmas.

Jak Heath said...

Love you Katie, I'm fighting this with you as I'm sure all of your family and friends are too.
Stay strong

Jak x

L.Wilson said...

Dear Katie, words cannot express. Just know that I am praying for a miracle.

Meredith MacRitchie said...

This brought tears to my eyes - I instantly thought of your children, and what it would mean to me as a mother to receive this kind of news. I am not one to pray, but I can tell you that I will be wishing for every miracle possible for you. Cancer is an awful word, and I can't imagine hearing it at this time of year, especially. I have family members who have fought this disease, so I know there is nothing I can say, and most of what I want to say won't be the right thing... but I will keep you in my thoughts, and I truly hope a year from now you are telling us how you are doing so well that your doctors are left scratching their heads.

Maria said...

Hi Katie,

I'm really sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I cannot imagine what you are feeling and going through. . .it saddens me to read your post. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family and praying for a miracle for you. Take care and God Bless you during this difficult time. . .


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to read about your diagnosis. Yes, miracles do happen and are highly sought after. I am the lucky recipient of one (two times), and I have asked for one for you.

Christy said...

I am praying hard for you, especially as this news has come right before Christmas. I pray for strength for you, and that you would feel God's presence with you as you never walk this journey alone.

Candy C said...

Katie ~
You don't know me from a load of hay but I am praying for you. I was told about your diagnosis from a mutual friend, Vicki, here in Springfield, MO. I just wanted you to know that people you have never met are praying for you.
I cannot even begin to imagine the emotional and physical roller coaster you are on. I pray for you to have strength; physically, emotionally and spiritually in the coming days. I know you must be afraid of what lies ahead. The unknown is always fearful. But, know that you are not alone. Many people...including people you don't even know are lifting you and your family up in prayer at this very moment. I hope you can feel that spiritual presence in your life to help guide you in the days ahead. May God bless you and your family.

Chef Mama Lori said...

Praying for you & your family my dear friend. I love you!

Jodi said...

Katie, You will be in my thoughts and prayers as you go through this battle. Please know that you are not alone on this journey. Sending love and hugs your way!

Marianne Luken said...

KAtie - You are in my thoughts and prayers. May the Lord send you strength to remain positive.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm crying. But I'm also praying. You have been so inspiring to me.

People all over the world are praying Katie Dear. For you, Kevin & the boys.

Hugs & Prayers.
love you!

Jennie said...

Praying for you Katie...and for your dear family.

Lynn Mercurio said...

Oh Katie, this is sad news. You have many friends who will be lifting you up in prayer. Stay positive. Big hugs to you!

AJ said...

while I can not ever know what you are going through- my dad is going through the same and it's not easy to say the least. POSITIVITY is definitely key here. It's sooo hard to stay upbeat, and have seen him already question why him... My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Please enjoy your Christmas with your kids as much as possible, it will be so special!

Barb said...

Katie - I am so sorry to hear your diagnosis. I can barely imagine what you and your family are going through right now. Just know that I think of you often and will continue to send prayers your way. There is no reason we cannot pray for a miracle!!! Stay strong through this, you have a lot of people praying for you!

Jessica Diedrich said...

Oh, Katie-this is shocking and scary news-my heart goes out to you, sweetie. I am praying for you as a friend AND as a fellow mother as I cannot imagine how tough this battle ahead will be....but i also believe in miracles, the power of prayer and the very amazing things that occur right under my nose each day. Sending you HUGE HUGE hugs and lots of uplifting thoughts and prayers..~Jessica

Gloria Dojlido said...

Dear dear Katie Kat....

I am still trying to process your sad know you are in my thoughts and prayers girl. I have been thinking of you and your family non stop since I heard the news.

Please know you are truly cared about, sending you tons of hugs...


Joan B said...

Katie, I am shocked and my heart goes out to you. I hope you get your miracle. they are out there and as one doc once said, why not you? Many hugs, Joan

Anonymous said...

There are miracles. And they happen every day. I pray one will come your way. I share your name and your state.

Kate, Chehalis, WA

Anonymous said...

Katie- I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you and your family!! May the Lord comfort and hold you close to Him. I too will be praying for a miracle for you!!

Brenda said...

Katie you know you are never far from my mind. You have been my ROCK, my go to girl-the one I trust the most. Now it's my turn to be your ROCK. I pray daily and as I've told you, God is with us and will guide us through and hopefully to the top of that mountain!

IamDerby said...

Big huge hugs to you. Praying for you with all my might.

Taylor said...

{{{HUGS}}} Katie. I don't have the words right now, but just know I'm thinking of you and your family.

Tiff said...

Katie, big hugs to you and your family. We are all here for you. I just moved to the Tacoma area and if you ever want to get together for a girls' crafting night, just let me know.

carole (TruCarMa) said...

Joining in the worldwide chorus of hugs and hopes for miracles for you, Katie. Take good care and know that thoughts and prayers for you have gone viral (in a good way).

judy said...

Katie, my thoughts and prayers go
out to you and your family! I will
pray for your miracle.

On a practical note, I have battled
cancer and I encourage you to get
to the best cancer treatment center
you can and always get second

Jackie said...

Katie, my heart goes out to you. Miracles do happen and if anyone is deserving of one it would be you! Keep the faith, try to keep a positive outlook and know that we are all here fighting for you!

Allison Rankin said...

Thinking of you Katie. Being an inherent pessimist (at least for myself and never for my kids), send all the negative vibes my way...I can shoulder them while you stay positive!

Monica Hunter said...

I've just said a prayer for you, and will keep you in my prayers. Hugs!!

Tracy J said...

Katie - I was on the CDS design team briefly and just want to let you know you are in my prayers. Miracles DO happen...may you get yours!

ReneeK said...

Katie - I'm so sorry to hear this news. I "kinda" know how you are feeling, as about 5-1/2 years ago I was told I had Stage IV colon cancer. I know the fears, the what-ifs, etc. I can offer you a little advice: Keep your life as normal as you possibly can, keep a sense of humor (laugh every day), keep yourself surrounded by friends and family, take care of YOU (rest when you need it, the chemo can wear you out)...and I highly suggest checking out They offer amazing support to patients undergoing treatment and were a great help to me. Please, please, please email me privately if there is anything I can do for you.

Renee K in Montana

Lavonne said...

hi Katie, I don't know you at all. I came through someone else's blog who mentioned your sad post. I definitely believe in the power of prayer! Our pastor's 4 year old son was diagnosed 2 weeks ago with stage 4 cancer. It's a very rare and aggressive type. I'm telling you this because this past Wednesday he came home! If there's hope for him then there's hope for you and anyone else out there.
Will be praying for you!

Frankie said...

Katie, I found your blog by following a link from Paperlicious. My most heartfelt prayers go out for you . . . may you have the strength you need to endure, the courage you need to move into the unknown and the peace you need to find joy in the ordinary. My thoughts and prayers will be with you as you begin the new year and your treatment.

Jacqueline (Sjakkie) said...

Katie what a sad news. I'm pray for you and for your family. Keep the faith!
Hugs Jacqueline

Eden said...

Katie, you are my sister and one of my absolute best of friends. I'm lucky to have you in my life, and I know how much you have impacted those around you. This battle you are fighting is another example of how your strength, which comes from the core of your being, shines through and will help you through this. I love you more than I could ever express or hope to be able to convey, and I will be there by your side to help in any way I can.

A Consuming Passion said...

Ah Katie, I've just read your news after a visit with Joan B. I was shocked when I recognized you from WMS. My heart goes out to you and your lovely family while you come to terms with the battle ahead. Like everyone here I will hold you close in thought and hope so much that a miracle comes your way!

terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

I'm adding my prayers for you to the growing list of people who hope you get your miracle!

diane mcvey said...

I don't know you, but I know the evil "c-word" and what it does to people. My wish for you is that you GET your miracle, and that you fight the biggest fight of your life. I do feel that your attitude, and focusing on mentally fighting the "bad cells", can be very helpful. My thoughts and good wishes are with you;and I really feel you can successfully fight this evil disease!!!
May many blessings come your way in the coming year; and may you be healed of the disease that is relentless. I am so very sorry that this has come your way. The very best to you always. Take care.

Carolyn King said...

Kate-saying lots of prayers for you. Keep thinking positive thoughts and hoping you find comfort that so many people are thinking of you and praying for you. Hugs, cammie

Claire said...

Katie I am so sorry and will be thinking of you. You have been an inspiration in the past and I hope you will be for a long time to come.along with everyone here I will pray for a miracle.

Joanna said...

Hello I am one of your newest followers and I just love everything on your blog! You are a very talented lady! You will definitely be in my prayers! God Bless! :)

Karin said...

Consider yourself and your family prayed foran may you feel the love of God in your life at this time. I will continue to pray that you recieve your miracle...

NancyK said...

Katie - found this link from JoanB's blog....My heart and prayers go out to you. I wish for a miracle for you.

Ted said...

Katie, I'm a first-time visitor but not a first-time prayer warrior. I found your post from a thread on the PTI forums.

While you say miracles are rare, please know that our God is the God of Miracles...and I pray that it will be His will that He removes the cancer from your body. I pray that He gives the doctors HIS wisdom and that He makes the treatment successful.

So strange that reading this from a stranger has made my eyes water. But it's uncertain if it's the news or grace that you show in telling us the news. How strong you are and I hope you know that being afraid is okay...

I pray for God's love to wrap you and your family during this time and that He takes extra good care of you.


Niki Estes said...

Katie, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I am praying you get the miracle you deserve. Hugs!

Laura Isham said...

This is the first time I have visited your blog, and I am sorry to find it with such sad news. You are most definitely in my thoughts and prayers. Sending love and peace your way. Praying for that miracle to come your way.

Debbie Fisher (debbiedee) said...

I am so sorry to hear this. I don't know you, but Emily Painter shared your story with the D2D DT. I just wanted to come by to tell you I prayed for you and your family and will remember you in my prayers.

Shawne said...

Katie, when I found out about this my first reaction was shock but the second was why do the worst things seem to happen to the very best people, you are one of the sweetest and kindest people I have ever known, I am so thankful for all of your help and support in the past and want you to know that you have my support right now, I'll be thinking of you and praying for you and your family and hoping there is a miracle out there for you, you deserve the best!


Gaby said...

Katie, I have visited your blog before but never leave a comment.
I just want to say that it breaks my heart knowing this news but I'm sure God in His greatness will give you strength and the chemo will be effective.
My mom, just by seeing your gentle face right now, sends her best wishes for you.

I appreciate your generous tutorials (I already used one!) and I am sure you will keep making more and more cards to delight our eyes!

We'll keep you in our thoughts, you just fight and let God do the rest.
gaby and Olguis from Tx and México :)

Anonymous said...

Best of luck to you in your fight. The Bellingham Cancer Center has an amazing womens support group that meets every Monday at 10:am it is a place where you can sit and listen or share or just be in a place where the women get what is going on. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and wish you the best.

Anonymous said...

Best of luck to you in your fight. The Bellingham Cancer Center has an amazing womens support group that meets every Monday at 10:am it is a place where you can sit and listen or share or just be in a place where the women get what is going on. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and wish you the best.

Anonymous said...

Hest of luck to you in your fight. The Bellingham Cancer Center has an amazing womens support group that meets every Monday at 10:am it is a place where you can sit and listen or share or just be in a place where the women get what is going on. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and wish you the best.

Erica said...

I am so saddened and shocked to read this news as the new year begins. Your blog is at the top of my blog list and I ordered some stamps from CD just a few weeks ago. Since one is the "Prayer Card", #5973, I will be filling one out for you Katie. I will be praying for you & your family.
If writing about this challenge will help you heal, then please do so. You may just help somone along the way.

Angy said...

Katie, My thoughts and prayers are with you as you start this fight/journey of your life. God's blessings for comfort and peace and HEALING. I will continually pray for you.

Kay said...

Katie, I do believe in prayer, very strongly. Know that I will be praying for you. Keep strong! There are many people, even ones like me whom you do not know, who are wishing the best for you and your family.

Theresa Tyree said...

You know I love you dearly. Please know that there are so many of us lifting you and your family in prayer. I'm encouraged by so many stories and well-wishers on your blog. God is still in charge and He is still working miracles everyday!! Hold on to your faith! We love you so much.

Kelly S. said...

Oh Katie, I've been thinking about you since reading your post on Dec. 24th. You are so brave, and I can tell from your post that you are ready to fight with everything you've got. Sending many many prayers and good thoughts your way!

Bonnie said...

Oh dear Katie, You don't know me but I read your blog when I can and have long admired your craftiness. I am so sorry to hear your news. Just know that prayers are coming your way and we will pray for a miracle......

tina in NH said...

Katie, Where does one start? I have tears in my eyes for you and your family. I know that you're ready to fight the fight. I'm sending prayers and hugs your way. Miracles are out there, hopefully one will come your way.

Stephanie in Port Angeles said...

Katie - You don't know me - I linked to your blog through another paper crafting site. My heart is heavy after reading your post. I can feel your courage through your words and wish you continued strength as you travel the path this untimely news will take you. You have many friends who love and will be praying for you. I hope you believe in the power of prayer and Katie, Miracles do happen.

DoxieGirl said...

Bless your heart. I was sent here through Joan B's blog. I will be praying for you as I know that God can make miracles happen! Keep the faith and the courage!

Karen said...

Katie - I've only just found your blog today via PTI - but I felt compelled to leave you a message of love and support from one stampin' sister to another!

Please know I'm thinking of you and your family and I pray that you have the strength to approach each day with sheer determination and courage!

Lots of Love from Australia


Mary I said...

Katie--I am so sad to hear of this and I will be praying that you get your miracle.

Lots of {{{hugs}}} & prayers from St. Louis!

Lydia Fiedler said...

Katie -

You are in my prayers. Just from these few posts your strength shines through. Keep that with you as you go through this and just know a lot of people are thinking about you!!


B said...

Katie, I haven't been following blogs that heavily so I've just seen this. My heart goes out to you (and your family). I never know what to say but know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers. **Big hugs**

Mona Pendleton said...

I am very sorry to hear what you are going through, I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers :)

JulieHRR said...

Katie, I know I am a stranger, but I came by way of a friend of yours' blog. I held my breath, reading your heart goes out to you and your family. I wish and hope for you to get your miracle. I can tell by your post that you are a woman of courage. Strength and hope to you.

Anonymous said...

Katie,cancer just the word alone instills fear,hurt and anger.i am a miracle walking around after 20+ years so i speak with experience.i was given a leass than 40% survival chance the first time in 1986 or 1985,my memory is effected because of so many surgeries thru the years,17 or them.i survived and it was Christ that did it with lots of people praying.when you feel like screaming do so then laugh at yourself.keep your humor but dont try to was harder on my husband because he felt helpless and was trying to be brave.prayers are going up for you and yours.
hugs br3n

Connie said...


My thoughts & prayers are for you & your family. May God be on your side & give you that miracle you need.


Linda said...


My thoughts are with you!

Sharon Rittler said...

You don't know me either as I have come here from a post on Facebook from Paper Crafts (I believe) telling of your story. I can't begin to know what your going through. I have always feared the "c" word and feel it will eventually be a reality for me, as I have so many medical issues. You have given me strength through your posts, telling your story in such a real way. You are so talented and have such a gorgeous family. I will pray that a miracle comes your way and will continue to follow you in your journey. God bless!

Virginia B. said...

Hello Katie,

I just wanted to let you know that you and your family are in my prayers. I know what you are going through. I just got diagonesd with breast cancer a few weeks ago.

Stay strong and positive! We will be this terrible disease. I will pray for you.

Take care,

Virginia Brennan

Cheryl Walker said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cheryl Walker said...

Hello Katie, Im sooo sorry hun, and so saden by your news, I too have seen many of my family members deal with the "C" word, and its no fun, I couldnt imagine what you must be going through, and it sadens me even though I dont know you :( I do believe miracles happen, so I hope and pray that you get a miracle :) God Bless you hun, and sending hugs your way!

Julie Cameron said...

Katie, I just popped onto the PTI board for the first time in awhile to discover your sad news. I am so sorry to hear this sweetie. I wish you strength, hope and a sparkly white miracle to lift you up when you need it most. Keep positive and don't ever give up! I hope you have a huge support system in your family and friends to help you through this and I hope stamping makes you a feel a little bit better on those really crappy days!
A big hug to you!

Charmaine (CharmWarm) said...

Katie, I am so sorry to hear your news. I cannot imagine the rollercoaster ride you are on. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Just know you are not alone!

Becky G said...

Katie, I came across your story from a fellow blogger and my heart is aching for what your going through. I'm so sorry that you and your family are having to deal with this terrible disease. I will be praying for you and your family and believe in God for a miracle for you.

Becky G

Susan said...

Katie: A fellow blogger sent me your way. Please know that you are now in my prayers. I ask God to give you and your precious family strength and peace and hope and a miracle, and to wrap his loving arms around you.

Vanessa Middleton said...

Katie, I am an old fellow CTMH Consultant and just read about your diagnosis on the BB though I had also heard through Facebook. I am so shocked and saddened to hear this devastating news. I hope the chemo goes well and that you get to spend as much time with your family and friends as possible. You have lots of support and good thoughts coming your way from all of us stampers across the country... and probably further too! :) Best wishes, hun! xoxo

Clare said...

I heard of your story through Jak's blog. Thinking of you daily, sending you warm wishes and lots of positivity. We're all wishing you well!!

Wendy said...

I just heard your story today, and am praying for you. I'm praying that God will grant you your miracle, and that he will be with you and with your family, as well as with your caregivers that their hands may be gentle and their decisions wise.

I am currently in remission from non-Hodgkins lymphoma, which is incurable. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I have blogged my diagnosis and treatment process on my blog - link below.

Wendy -

Anonymous said...

My prayers are with you and your family. Our Faith in God is our main tool to hold us when in trouble. Bless your strength always.

Tracey T said...

Sending you love and healing thoughts - stay strong and keep fighting sweetheart. xx

Danielle Schoenlau said...

I'm so very sorry to hear about your bad health! I would like to tell you about the Cancer Centers of America. If you have not met with them already, they are the best, on the cutting edge of new medications and treatments that most people haven't even heard of yet. They are a TEAM of multiple, around 20, SPECIALISTS, that take care of you with 2 of them being your main cargivers. You will take about 200 tests over the course of two weeks in the facility. I heard this stay doesn't break the bank and that if you have insurance it should cover it. My friend just recovered from a cancer which his previous doctor told him that he only had about a year to live. He has been cured of his cancer and is living like he did before and PAIN FREE!!!! I would defitely check it out!!! It could be your miracle!

If you have any questions email me at

I wish you the best,

Danielle Schoenlau

Pryn said...

Thinking of you and keeping you and your family in my heart and prayers. I believe in miracles and I pray there is one with your name on it <3

Anonymous said...

Katie, you are in my thoughts and prayers also. I too believe in MIRACLES, and have seen many. Keep strong and know that MANY prayers are being said for you.


Rhonda Van Ginkel said...

Please know that so many of us are lifting you and yours up in prayer. I am one of them too! (((Hugs)))

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Megan Marcel said...

what a greatest surprise to me that i was cured from Herpes virus by a powerful herbal doctor called Dr Muthuka , it was just like a dream to me i taught that there is no cure for Herpes because for about 7 years i spent so much of my money in hospital but no improvement i was confuse in life until a friend of mine introduce me to this herbal doctor i contacted him on email:   or WhatsApp him at +2349039175109 if their can be any help and he promise to help me, he prepared a herbal medicine for me i followed his instruction after  i went to hospital for test but i was cured it was a greatest surprise to me so i decide to share this testimony. A very big thanks to this herbal doctor who saved my life, please if you have this kind of sickness or any disease do not give up you can contact him  WhatsApp him on +2349039175109 He cure herpes virus, HIV/AIDS cancer heart problem etc.. Here is the herbal doctor website :

clara said...

FINALLY FREE FROM HERPES VIRUSI thought my life had nothing to offer anymore because life became meaningless to me because I had Herpes virus, the symptoms became very severe and bold and made my family run from and abandoned me so they won't get infected. I gave up everything, my hope, dreams,vision and job because the doctor told me there's no cure. I consumed so many drugs but they never cured me but hid the symptoms inside me making it worse. I was doing some research online someday when I came across testimonies of some people of how Dr oduku cured them from Herpes, I never believed at first and thought it was a joke but later decided to contact him on the details provided and when I messaged him we talked and he sent me his herbal medicine and told me to go for a test after two weeks. Within 7 days of medication the symptoms disappeared and when I went for a test Lo and behold I was NEGATIVE by the Doctor Who tested me earlier. Thank you Dr oduku because I forever owe you my life and I'll keep on telling the world about you. If you are going through same situation worry no more and contact Dr oduku via.  (drodukuherbalhealingcentre@gmail.con or WhatsApp him via +2348124765093 he is good too to cure all type of disease and virus.1 HIV cure2 cancer3 diabetes4 hepatitis5 herpes.You can contact if you are having any problem...

Shannon Mackle said...

Get rid of the Hsv totally,.

This is an oppoturnity of a lifetime,

Thanks (( Robinsonbukler11 )) g ma i l… c o m,

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