Thursday, December 25, 2008

Some Blog Candy on this Christmas Day

Well as suspected, the morning whizzed by and what can you expect when the little and older ones are awake BEFORE the crack of done. So, the oldest went out to go sledding (we have a white Christmas) and the little ones and me are just hanging at the house and I got a chance to some blurfing.

I wanted to share some blog candy with you. Kath over at All That Glitter has some great candy up for grabs. Remember, you can't win if you don't visit and leave a comment. The only other thing you have do is post on your own blog too. Go check it out! Click -->HERE<-- for the blog candy link.

Here's one more. If you haven't hear of Spiral Whisper you should go check out their stamps. They are an European stamp company but have the cutest images! They are having a new release in January with some really, really, cute boyish images. You all know how hard it is to find really cute boy images. Check out the blog candy -->HERE<--

Thanks to Tracey for linking these so I could find them too :)

If I find any more, I'll post too.

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