Monday, November 7, 2011

Peaceful End to a Beautiful Live

Hello All,

It is with great sadness that I must report that Katie passed away at about 5:10 this morning.  The final days of her life were pain free, peaceful, and surrounded by family and friends.  We were never able to fully wake her again following Thursday nights battle with pain and nausea, but I know she was able to hear what was going on around her and was aware that she was surrounded with love.  I will be making arrangements for Katie's memorial service and will post the details as soon as they are finalized.  Thank you all for your love, prayers, and support through this entire journey.



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Jean Cross said...

Peace to you and the children, Kevin. May the memories sustain you.
Jean Cross

Carisa said...

Praying for you and your family.

hello gorgeous said...

She is at peace now more pain {for her} your pain, however unbearable is testament to the love that filled all your lives. My thoughts and love are with you all


hello gorgeous xxx

Unknown said...

Prayers of comfort and love to all of you.

Karen H. said...

My thoughts are with you and your family.

Gramma jacki said...

Thank you for always keeping in touch. I am deeply saddened by this news. Much love to you all. Katie is at peace and always in our hearts.

Anonymous said...

May you and the boys find peace in the wonderful memories of your lives with Katie and may they always be with you.... Rest in Peace Katie ... you touched so many hearts.

-Lori H.

Tammy V said...

Oh Kevin, I am so sorry for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you and your family, at least she is at peace now. Embrace those wonderful memories as you move forward. Take Care!

Dana said...

May she rest in peace, knowing she has a truly incredible husband and three lovely children who will not let slip even one day without thoughts of her in their hearts.

Vanessa Middleton said...

I'm so sad to hear this news Kevin, but very glad to hear Katie was surrounded by family, friends and LOVE during her last days. I know we've all been thinking about her, yourself and the boys. Sending lots of love to you and your family during this difficult time. <3

Marylynn said...

I am so very sorry. As always, keeping your family close in my thoughts and prayers.

Lesa said...

I am sorry for your loss. She touched many lives. (((((((hugs to you and the children)))))))

Kathy said...

Kevin, so sorry for your loss. Give your boys a big hug from me. Your family is in my prayers!

Lee said...

May God wrap your family in his love and peace at this very sad time. My thoughts are prayers are with you.

Trees said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

MicheleV said...

My condolences Kevin to you and your boys. I am very sad. Thank you for sharing so much of Katie and your family with us.
Peace & Hugs.

Unknown said...

Keeping you and the boys in my prayers...My deepest is not an easy time but always celebrate her life....

Elaine aka Quixotic said...

Kevin, I am so sorry for your loss. I didn't know Katie well, but it is absolutely evident that she was a beautiful person, and she leaves behind a beautiful family. Will continue to keep you and your boys in my thoughts. x

jen del muro said...

May you and your family find peace. With love-Jen

i {heart} papers said...

So much love to you and the boys. I love you.

Powerful Search Engine said...

My thoughts are with you and your beautiful boys. Katie was a huge inspiration at the start of the year in helping me to deal with life changing circumstances. I am glad to hear she left surrounded with family and with her pain controlled. Hugs Pascale xxx

Allison Rankin said...

I have been sitting here wondering what to say. There were only two comments when I got here but now there are at least twenty. I hope your children will read all these comments one day and realize what a strong woman you were and how your craftiness and spirit inspired all those that knew you both in the flesh and cyber-ly. I am glum.

Lisa Somerville said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time. May you find comfort in the days ahead...

Mina said...

my deepest sympathies for you, your boy and family on the loss of your beautiful Katie
Mina x

AJ said...

May she be wrapped in comfort, love, and peace now, as well as the family. Positive thoughts and prayers to the family.

Anonymous said...

Kevin, I am so very sorry for your loss. Katie was a beautful person and she will live on in you and your children always. God bless you all during this incredibly difficult time.
Thank you sharing your story with us!

Shazza said...

oh Kevin I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this sad time. I actually coloured the image Lori did of your three boys last night.
Rest In peace Katie xxx

Lori Craig said...

Praying for peace for you and your boys. Thank you for sharing your story.

Lisa H. said...

sending prayers of peace, love, and comfort.

Nancy G said...

Kevin and boys, Godspeed to your precious Katie. She taught us all a lot about how to face adversity.

Sandie said...

I am so very sorry for your loss. Thinking of you and the boys and I know Katie will be watching over you all. A new star in the sky tonight. xx

IamDerby said...

My deepest sympathies Kevin, I am so very sorry that Katie was not spared. My thoughts are with you and your family.

Sue Ann said...

Peace and Love to you and the boys. I am so very sad and sorry that Katie lost her hard fought battle. Your last post was so real of how these memories will fade but you will always have Katie's smile in your heart and soul and when you look at the beautiful / handsome boys you created with Katie. Sending many thoughts and prayers for you. Very sad day~~ Rest in Peace Katie!!! Your courage, grace and strength have left a mark my heart forever.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for the loss of this wonderful women. However, I am grateful that she is at peace. Hoping that you and your boys find strength in her love over the next few weeks. Hugs Lisa L.

Whimcees said...

Oh Kevin,

I expected to see this and kept checking often every day for an update - but it still hits one in the heart to see the post heading. Once again there are no words.

I am so sorry for the loss of the beautiful Katie for you and your boys. I am so glad that she did not suffer during her final days and that you all were with her - God knows how that girl fought and how unbelievably brave she was. I so wanted for her to be with you at Christmas. Such a tragic loss.

God Bless you for all that you have done and for being with Katie every step of the way. Please know that you and the boys will continue to be in my prayers every day. This is so hard to believe that she is gone.

Sending love and good wishes.


Barbara Diane

Ashley Newell said...

Kevin, thank you for keeping us updated on this last leg of Katie's battle. You are a true testament to love and devotion. I'm praying for your family in this difficult time. Thank you for all the love that you gave my friend! My last few conversations with Katie were about the goals you were helping her achieve. Thank you for being her rock and for everything you've done to make Katie's last few months amazing from the trips to the motorcycles and so much more, you kept Katie happy and that is amazing.

Holly aka Toy said...

(((Kevin and boys))) I am so so sorry for this painful loss. With the depth of your love for beautiful Katie, I know that there will be many tears followed eventually by many many wonderful memories of her. In my heart I can hear the angels rejoicing her return to heaven and I hope someday that you will hear that in your heart, too. Katie's stamping/papercrafting family will always be here if you need us! God bless you all!

Kim said...

My whole family has been touched by Katie's life and journey, and we all send our love and support. Please know we will continue to pray for peace and healing for all of you.

jengd said...

I'm so very sorry to hear that Kevin. I've been so impressed at the strength both you and Katie have shown through all of this. I'm glad that you were all surrounded by friends and family the past few days and that Katie spent those days out of the pain she'd been feeling. I'll continue to keep you and the boys in my thoughts for a long time to come. Peace to you.

leslie (crookedstamper) said...

I am so sorry for your loss. You are all in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Your family is in my heart and thoughts, Kevin. Katie was a brave, amazing woman, an example of courage for all of us. I'm sure she left feeling completely surrounded by inmense ammounts of love, the same love she'll surround you with from Heaven.
Lorena from Spain.

Anonymous said...

May you and your family find peace in the days to come. *HUGS* I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers.

Hugs from AZ

Jo said...

Sending you my deepest sympathies, you're in my thoughts and prayers
Jo x

Lori said...

My condolences Kevin to you and your boys. While I didn't know Katie in person, I always enjoyed her creations and her blog posts. I followed this last year's journey closely, hoping for the best possible outcome. I'm sorry for your loss. Please know that so many people loved Katie and cared so much for you and your family. My thoughts are with you all.

Unknown said...

Myt deepest sympathies to you and the boys. Katie fought a brave fight.

L.Wilson said...

Though I have not commented much publicly, I have struggled, cried and prayed for you and Katie her whole journey, hoping for the best but fearing the unknown. I am sad for you and the boys, but relieved Katie is no longer suffering. I hurt with you. Your strength is amazing and I wish and pray for peace for you and your boys during this most difficult time.

Jade said...

I never met Katie but feel as though I've known her for a long time. I am so sad she is gone but so thankful to have gotten to know her these last few months. I pray that she has the peace and comfort she has so desperately needed and that your family soon finds peace and comfort in your memories of her.

Anonymous said...

Kevin & Boys, I am sorry for your loss!! I didn't personally know Katie, but i did follow her journey and know she fought an amazing battle. She reminded me so much of my mom and her fight against cancer also. Who lost her battle 5 months ago. She was such inspiration to so many!! I pray for peace and love in the days and weeks ahead! May Katie RIP~ May God comfort you all!!

ribenaruby said...

Kevin, you're all in my thoughts at this difficult and sad time. Healing prayers sent your way. Ruby x

Melissa said...

My deepest sympathies to you and your boys, Kevin. You will all continue to be in my prayers. Thank you for sharing Katie with us all.

(((big Canadian hugs)))

Lydia Fiedler said...

Kevin -

Both of you have touched and inspired all of us with your seemingly inexhaustible courage and strength and grace and I will never forget that.

God bless you and the boys - you are in my prayers.

Diana said...

Kevin, I am so sorry for your loss.
Thank you so much for letting us know. I'm so glad she was free from pain and that you were able to be with her.

I will continue to pray for you and your incredible family.

juli (sweetpz) said...

My condolences to you and your family at this difficult time. Hugs and prayers.

jo said...

So very sorry for your loss. I didn't know Katie but have followed through her journey.....she seemed like an amazing woman who touched a lot of people's lives. Will be thinking of you and your family and wishing you all strength.


Sue in Grapevine said...

So sorry for your loss of your sweet Katie. I never got to meet her in "real" life, but will certainly make her acquaintance in Heaven.
Peace & comfort to you & your family.

Suzanne J Dean said...

Oh my another sweet soul has left us to become an angel and the crafting community will miss her so. Her spirit over the past year has so inspired me and so many others. Your family's strength and courage was a beautiful thing to witness and Katie was so lucky to have you all there for her. I know you will miss her so and I am sending lots of love & prayers of peace and strength your way.

Suzanne J Dean

Brenda Weaver said...

I'm so sorry! Prayers are going up for you and your children and the rest of Katie's family and friends.

Betty Boo! said...

I am so very sorry for your loss Kevin. My prayers, and love goes out to you, your boys and your family.

Betty Roberts

Hazel (Didos) said...

I have followed Katies Story and have admired her bravery, Im so sorry for your loss, Sending you all our love from Scotland Hazel and Family xoxox

Beth said...

Peace to you and the boys Kevin. You are in my thoughts and prayers! Heaven just got a little brighter with a new Angel!

Jennie said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and those precious boys during this difficult time.

Unknown said...

I am so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my families thoughts and prayers always oxoxo

Pegg S said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. A light has gone out in this world... My thoughts are with you and your family.

Sharon D said...

Kevin, I am so sorry that you and your sons have suffered this loss. I just want to share a bit in hopes of encouraging you regarding your sons. My own mother passed away from stomach cancer shortly after I turned seven, so I can relate to what your boys are going through. I just want to reassure you that we still remember my mother--I think back to the happy times--and even though this sorrow happened to us, I still think of my childhood as happy. Better to have had a good loving mother for just a few years than a bad mother your whole life. I can tell you are a wonderful father (as mine was), and your boys will be fine. Blessings and peace to you all--

Linda Borneman said...

My heart is filled with great sorrow over Katie's passing. I have no words to say that would be adequate but I can pray for your strength, courage and for the boys' to be covered by the shelter of God's wings during this very sad time. I pray that the Lord will flood you with His perfect peace and love. With my deepest sympathy...

Daisy S said...

God Bless, Katie. Thoughts and prayers for your family.

Lisa Jane said...

Thinking of you all at this sad time.
Lisa x

Kathi said...

I am very sad with you and I am sending all my love and thoughts to you and your family. And I am sure Katie is with you with every breath you take, just not visible.
Kind regards

Anonymous said...

Sending my deepest sympathies and prayers of healing to you all. May Katie rest in peace and in time may you find the comfort in the memories you all made together.

Harriet Skelly said...

I am glad that Katie is at peace and has no more pain. She was an amazingly courageous and loving person. I am so glad she had you Kevin, and the boys, by her side throughout this ordeal. Keeping you all in my heart, thoughts and prayers.

Kay said...

So very sad :(
Like everyone, I wish there were magic words to say to help take away the pain you feel but in their absence I hope at least you can feel the love that surrounds you all and that it brings some small measure of comfort to you and your boys.

jessica said...

I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and the boys during this difficult time.

Anonymous said...

I feel so sad for you all. Katie must have been such a wonderful person - she touched so many lives. May the Lord keep you strong and hold you all close. Kevin, thank you for posting on Katie's amazing blog to keep people like me (from the other side of the world - and who you don't even know)updated on her condition. God bless you all.

Jill, N Ireland

Holly Tracy said...

I'm so sorry to hear but so grateful she is at peace and is pain free. Please take good care of yourself and your family. God is wrapping His loving arms around you all. God bless

Unknown said...

Dear Kevin, We are so so sorry for your loss! Give those babies of your lots of hugs! Remember all the good times and love. She was so blessed to have you and your wonderful boys! Know that you are all in our prayers, and if you need our support, we are here for you and those precious boys! Katie is at rest and will be your angel to get you through! Big Hugs to all of you! Don & Leah Ann

Nicole said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your boys at this difficult time.

Rosie said...

Rest in peace sweet Katie! Sending many prayers to you Kevin, the kids, and the entire family for strength and comfort during this difficult time.

Carla said...

I'm so sorry for your loss - words cannot adequately express my sympathy. May the happy memories of your time together keep Katie with you & the boys forever.

Thanks to both you & Katie for sharing your story with us and taking us all on this journey with you.

Wishing you all the best.

Unknown said...

Kevin, you and your boys are in my prayers.
Katie became an angel and watching you over all the time. Rest in Peace sweet Katie.

Giovana said...

Praying for you and your family.

Therese said...

I'm so very sorry for your loss. May you and your family have the peace of mind that Katie is now at rest and with God and that she will always be present in your lives. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this very sad time. God Bless.

Steph Lee (Arty Carty) said...

I'm very sorry to hear this new. My deepest condolences to you, your boys and your family. May your sweet memories of Katie be a source of strength and peace for you all.

jazzy pantz cards said...

Kevin so sorry for your loss. My heart is breaking for you. Families ARE forever and I know you will be together again. Katie is looking down, loving you and your sweet boys. You are in our family's prayers. We send you all of our love.

Paper Crafts & Scrapbooking Editor said...

Though this news was expected, it is not any less difficult to bear. All my love to you and the boys, Kevin. I am so incredibly sorry for y(our) loss.

Jenny said...

I am so very sorry Kevin to read this. I hope you find peace in knowing that she is wrapped in love in the arms of God. You are amazing and have been so through this all and she knows you and the family were right there with her surrounding her with love. My heart goes out to you and the family. Sending lots of love, hugs and prayers. God Bless.

Kryssi said...

Rest in peace, Katie. I am so sorry for your loss, Kevin and the boys. You are in all our thoughts and prayers today.

Anonymous said...

I'm so very sorry for your loss.
Praying for you and your family.
Thanks so much for keeping us all posted and making us all a part of your family, Katie will be missed by SO many.

Clare said...

Saddened by the news, but glad she was pain free, peaceful and with her family and friends the last few days. Thinking of you all as you embark on the journey of dealing with your loss.

Margaret C said...

love and hugs to you all

Eveline said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. Thinking of you all.
Rest in peace, Katie.

Lisa said...

I am so sorry for your loss. My deepest condolences go out to you, her children, and her family. I will continue to keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.

Diane said...

I am so sorry for your loss...I have been following Katies blog long before her illness...I love it, as she always had such a great way with words....I hope you will get her blog made into a book for the boys, it had so much of her in it and a great memory for them to have. I am very glad she is no longer suffering, and don't even know what to say...except you can be proud of yourself for all you have helped her thoughts and prayers are with your family..take care!!

Kelly Schelske said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Sending my deepest sympathies to you, your wonderful boys and your extended families during this difficult time.

Beth aka BR-T said...

Kevin I am so sorry for this painful transition you are left to bear. Your wife is free of all pain and suffering and lives within all of a us. Your boys are so wonderful and they will be your rocks too so you don't always have to be the solid foundation. I thank you for the gift you have given all of us at such a cost. Beth

Carla S. said...

I am so sorry for your loss, Kevin. I will continue to keep you and the boys in my prayers. Katie was an inspiration to so many and so are you. Praying for your comfort and strength in the difficult days to come. Heaven has a new angel today.

Karenladd said...

I have been so touched by Katie through this blog, as I know hundreds of others have. Her story is not just the is also the joy and creativity that she brought to the crafting world and to your family and friends. When I first began reading Katie's blog I was in awe of how she could write so articulately about her sad journey. Now I realize that this was just more evidence of how talented and unique Katie was. I am so sorry that you and your boys have lost the love and light of your special Katie.

Lorraine said...

I am so sorry, Kevin. Praying for you & your family. Rest in peace, Katie.

Anonymous said...

Dear Kevin and boys,
I am so deeply saddened by the lost of your beautiful wife and mother Katie...what a hard battle she fought and with such courage and dignity...and bless each of you for your ability to make her journey more bearable with the love, compassion and support you gave to her...the world has lost a beautiful soul and God has gotten a beautiful angel...may you find comfort in the wonderful memories that you have...

Big Hugs,
Carol W

Mel said...

Heaven shines brighter tonight with Katie's light. I'm so sorry for the loss of your beautiful wife, and your boy's wonderful mother. May Katie's strength, courage and love brighten the days ahead. Rest peacefully Katie. Xxxxx

Laure Janus ~ Little Joys Studio said...

Prayers and peace to you and the children.

Theresa Momber said...

Kevin, I'm am so deeply sorrow for the loss of Katie. We will all miss her so. Holding you all in my thoughts and prayers.

Toni said...

Rest in peace Katie Im so sorry for your huge loss Kevin sending prayers for you the boys and family
Katie touched so many lives including mine with her contagious zest for life,humor and generosity she will be missed immensly
God Bless xxx

Virginia B. said...

I am so sorry Kevin. I never met you or Katie, but I want you to know she was a great source of inspiration to me as I also battle cancer. I got diagnosed with cancer in December last year at about the same time as Katie. May she rest and peace and may you and your wonderful children find comfort and strength in this difficult time of your life. I will miss Katie's creativity and posts. Virginia

Stacey said...

I am so very heartbroken to hear of your family's loss of Katie. I am sending gentle hugs, caring thoughts, and lots of prayers to you and your family. Katie deserved to be surrounded by her loved ones and be pain free for at least a few days in her life. I do pray that life gets less stressful eventually for you and your boys and that eventually you all can begin to smile and even laugh again. Please know that we are all here if there is anything at all that you need, all you have to do is say the word...

Keri Lee Sereika said...

Prayers for peace and love to surround you now as a family as you learn to live life with this loss...

LaurieJ said...

I am deeply sorry for your loss. Katie touched us all and will be sorely missed. I pray that you and the boys find strength and comfort in the days ahead.

There She Goes Clear Stamps said...

I'm so sorry for your loss and continue to send lots of love your way!

Jennifer said...

Kevin, again my thoughts and prayers will continue to be with you and your boys.

Tricia said...

I am so very sorry. My aunt just passed away this past week, as well... from Pancreatic Cancer. I pray that you'll know the peace that comes from hope in Christ in the days ahead. I'll be praying for you and your boys as you step into the unknown of life without your precious Katie. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of the journey.

Jane said...

Katie was truly an inspiration to us all, an incredibly brave & courageous lady. My deepest sympathy to you and your family. Rest in Peace Katie xxx

Kris said...

May you find peace and joy in your memories of Katie. Her spirit will live on in those whose lives she touched.

StephH said...

So sorry for your loss Kevin. My heart hurts for you, your sons and all those who knew and loved Katie. Please find comfort in knowing Katie is pain free and wrapped in the protective arms of the Lord. May you find peace in the love that surrounds you.

Tammy Hershberger said...

My heart breaks for your loss.... your family is in my thoughts and prayers. God bless!

LynneM said...

Kevin and family - God bless you all. I am so sorry for your loss. May Katie's lovely self rest in peace and her memory infuse us with courage to face our own challenges with such grace. Thank you for sharing so much with us. I will keep you in my prayers.

Koopdedoo said...

Kevin and family - You gave her love and peace. She will be with you always.

A-M said...

I'm sorry to hear of Katie's passing. May she rest in peace and may God comfort her family.

Tina said...

So very very sorry for you loss. Katie is suffering no more and your love is still with her. God bless you and your children. Thank you for touching MY life with Katie's story and for reminding us to cherish all we have for as long as we have it God bless you all. I will keep your family in my prayers. *HUGS*

Anonymous said...

Praying for you and the boys. Katie has touched so many people, and both of you have made us all consider what is truly important in life and in our relationships. Your family will remain in our hearts and prayers.
Erin and Mike Cristofaro

Anonymous said...

So very sad to hear this news, and yet thankful that Katie was able to go peacefully with her family and friends by her side. She was a wonderful inspiration to so many of us, truly a light in this world. My family and I will be praying for you and your children in the days to come. God bless you!

Basslady said...

may god's comfort and love surround you all...i am very sorry for your loss...

loosing our beloved ones is very hard, but knowing, that god is with you and your sons and that she is now in the arms of her loving jesus is one of the truths of faith, that helps you through this hard time...

keeping you in prayer,

silvi (germany)

Annette Allen said...

My prayers are with you all...

Turtle In The Sand said...

God Bless her sweet soul, and her family. Continued prayers and sympathy for you all. Linda

Jolene Bebich said...

I am sadden by the news of Katie's passing. I hope you find some peace in this very difficult time. Sending prayers to you Kevin and your sons.

Mandi-Lee said...

Oh Kevin there are no words right now other then to let you and your boys know that I am sending so much love and strength to you throughout this time!!! What a brave battle Katie fought! May she be at peace now! She was a woman of valour!!!! Mandi xxxx

Cassie said...

Kevin, I'm at a loss for what to say. Even though this was expected, it's still ridiculously difficult. I hope and pray that you are able to let God sustain you during this. Please know that you and the boys are never far from my thoughts or my prayers.

Vicki G said...

My Thoughts and Prayers go out to you and your family at this sad time.
May our Lord cradle Katie safely in his arms


Lauren Loves To Scrap said...

Sorry for your loss. Katie will be missed by many...RIP Katie!

Terri said...

I am so sorry. My heart is breaking for you and your boys. I will continue to keep you all in my thoughts.

Lauren said...

Kevin, my heartfelt sympathies are with you and the boys. May God grant you peace and comfort through this incredibly difficult time. Katie has touched so many lives and hearts, including mine, even though we had never met. Your family has been in my daily thoughts and prayers since I learned of her story. I am so sorry for your loss.

Shirley said...

I am so sorry, but happy that Katie is not in pain any more. My love goes out to you and your sons. May her memories keep all of you warm and loving. My thoughts and prayers will be with you. If here is anything, no matter how large, I can do for you and your sons, please just email me. Hugs,

Lisa - papergrace said...

My heart is breaking as I read this news. I am so very sad. Both you and Katie were such an inspiration to us. And your love story is nothing short of magical. My prayers and condolences to you and the boys during the days ahead. May God Bless you and give you comfort.

Irene Bazell said...

My heart is with you and your boys......Irene

Kelly S. said...

Oh Kevin, I am so sorry. Continued prayers for you and your family. We are all so lucky to have had the chance to meet you all, even if from a long distance. Godspeed, Katie...we will miss you so.

Jan Hunnicutt said...

I'm so sorry for your loss Kevin, may God be with you and bring you comfort and peace. Katie and I were on the Clear Dollar Stamps design team together and she was a sweetie. Hugs & prayers, Jan

Love crafts forever said...

My prayers goes to all your Family.
Hugs Nataliya

Kathy R. said...

Praying for all of you. Rest in peace, sweet Katie.

Debra said...

So sad to hear this news Kevin, my condolences to you and your family. Debra in the UK

Cathy F said...

Strength and peace be with you and your family so much love comes your way.

Lisa Lara said...

Love you Katie-Kate. I know you are in peace (out of pain). I know you are watching over your husband and children. You continue to live in our hearts. I am thankful to have known you. MWAH!

Anonymous said...

Thankful she is at peace. Wishing she was here and smiling.
So very sorry for all you have been through.
Thank you for thinking of blogging and letting us all know.

Love and hugs from Texas.

Carolyn King said...

Thank you for taking the time to let us know, Kevin. All of us who had the pleasure to meet Katie in person and those who know her from blogland know what an angel she is. Prayers and hugs to you and the boys. I am so very sorry for your loss....xo

Venessa said...

As I sit here with tears falling I am happy that Katie is at peace but I am so sad for you and the boys. I may not have met Katie in person but she has been an inspiration to me in crafting and the school of life. There will be a very bright new star tonight.


Claire said...

She was such an inspiration to lots of us, such a wonderful person,I will never forget her, may she rest in peace. Thank you Kevin for putting your grief aside to inform us,my thoughts will be with you and your family in the coming weeks.
Claire xxxx

Debbie Gaydos said...

Kevin, my heart aches for you and your kids. You will be in my prayers.

Bobbi-Lynn said...

I pray for peace and comfort for you and the boys. Your family is forever in my heart. I wish I had more words to let you know how much your family has touched me...

My deepest condolences

Lisa said...

I am so very very sorry. I wish much peace to you and your boys. She loved you with all that she had, that is very clear to everyone.

Gina said...

Blessed Peace to You Katie and all who loved her XXX

Sonia said...

Kevin - My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Rest in peace, Katie

Heidi Brawley said...

I am very sorry for your loss Kevin. I am glad she is finally at peace. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family!!!!
Hugs too!

ThePurplePlace said...

My heart is very heavy with this sad news. I am so so sorry you have lost Katie. I do believe she is now pain free and in God's arms.

Please know we will all continue to be thinking of you and the boys and will cherish her memory!

...With my deepest heartfelt sympathy...


Davi said...

Kevin I am so saddened by the news and so very very sorry that your sweet Katie is gone. I along with so many others pray that God will wrap you and the boys in His loving arms, comfort you and fill you with His peace. You all have been an inspiration to all of us as you have shared this difficult path you have traveled with such grace and strength. I know that your precious memories will always be with you and with time they will help to see beyond this time of pain. Dear Katie will be missed by many. Peace be with you

~amy~ said...

much peace to you and the kids...

Cristine said...

I have been following Katie's story since shortly after her cancer diagnosis. I am so sorry for your loss, Kevin. I pray that you and your boys will feel comfort and peace in the coming days as you say farewell to Katie.

~Jeri~ said...

Many prayers and thoughts to you, your children and the rest of your family. Katie will continue to live on in everyone she touched.

Rose Ann said...

God bless you all. My thoughts and prayers are with you. ♥

Knowles Great Adventure said...

Peace to you and your precious children. May God keep you in his arms and help guide you through this time in your life. I am so sorry for your loss

Katie said...

Kevin, my heart is just hurting right now after reading this news. Although I never met you or your beautiful wife, I feel like I *know* you through following you on this journey. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your boys. May you find comfort in the coming days. Families are Forever.

Lorri said...

The greatest testament to Katie would be her loving family to carry on and be all she wanted for each of you. Small solace to each of you but I wish peace and Katie's love for each of you.

Pauline Wiseman said...

God bless you all, Kevin. Katie was an inspiration to so many, thank you for sharing her last hours with us. She will be remembered with love. May she rest in peace.
Pauline (in France)

Regina Easter said...

May God bless you all and comfort you all during this time...She is now at peace with her heavenly Father....big hugs

Misti said...

My heart is sad and aches for your family. I think about the memories that your family has made and pray that they will live vividly in the hearts of you and your boys. May God comfort you in the hours, days, weeks, months and years to come.
I thank you for how you have invited this community to walk with you along this journey. We will continue to love on you! Please don't feel shy to ask if you need anything! I know we all feel that way. We want to support you the best that we can, even with all the miles between our families and yours.
God Bless you Kevin and Boys!

Julie Ranae said...

The Bible says there will come a day when there will be no more pain...this is Katie's day to be walked into God's arms where he says 'Welcome Home my child'...Kevin, please know that Katie touched my heart in knowing her only through this time and has made an impact on my life...that is why we are placed affect another.
I pray for peace for you and your entire family...

Corrie said...

I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you and your family.


Ann Rosie said...

So sorry to hear of the loss of your beautiful Katie. Loving thoughts to you and your boys and may your memories of Katie bring you the comfort you need in the days, weeks and months ahead. God bless you and your boys Kevin.

Terry said...

May you all have peace and comfort in all the beautiful times you shared. The memories and love will always be with you! Truly am sorry for your loss and am sending loving thoughts!

Rhonda AKA Thisgal said...

Praying that you have comfort in the knowledge that Katie is now in the loving arms of Jesus. May the Lord comfort you and your boys and sustain you with his presenced and never ending love over the coming months.

June K said...

Kevin and sons, I am so sorry for the loss of your wife and mother. My heart is just heavy with sadness. Though I never met Katie she was an inspiration to me - bravely sharing her painful journey. She came across on her blog as a strong and caring person.

Margie Higuchi said...

Kevin, may peace and comfort be with you and the boys during this most difficult time. I am heartbroken but am happy that she is at peace now.

I want to thank you for sharing her with us - she had a big heart! I am blessed to be her friend.

Warm & gentle hugs to you all!! xo

Karen / Acts of Simple Kindness for Kids of Widows and Widowers said...

I was widowed at 38, when our son was just 4 1/2 years old.

My heart breaks for you, and for your children. I know the journey you're about to embark on and it's a hard one.

I want you to know that you will be okay, but it doesn't feel that way now. And that's okay -- there is no rushing grief, but there is another side to grief.

I want you to know that while your children's hearts are broken -- please, know in your heart, they will be okay. Changed forever, but okay.

I run a nonprofit for children of widows and widowers. When you are ready, please check us out -- There are a lot of resources that can help you, and your children. You can also email me at and I can direct you to more online resources.

You and your family will remain in my prayers. Just please know you will be okay -- even though right now it hurts like hell.

Take care of each other,
Karen in Arizona

Marlene said...

My heart goes out to you all. Katie touched so many of us in so many ways. She was admirable. RIP, beautiful lady.

Stephanie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shaunna Lasley said...

What a legacy your beautiful Katie has left. She touched the hearts and lives of so many people. Thank you for sharing her journey with us. She is in heaven cancer-free, pain-free, and safe in the arms of Jesus and I know she must be smiling down on you and your boys. Your continued dedication to her has been a testimony to us all of true love. It lasts forever. I will continue to pray for you and your family - may the Lord help you through this great time of sadness.

donna calamari said...

Peace to you. Katie touched all of our lives. She was obvioulsy a remarkable woman. She lives on in all of the wonderful memories you shared and in your beautiful boys. We continue to be here for you and the boys if you allow us.

Gail said...

kevin and boys..ty for sharing your katie with us..her courage, strength and love of life will help me to be a stronger heart aches for you and your loving sons..but i know Katie is at peace..and always knowing she had your unconditional love and support..
sleep well sweet katie..and wrapping comforting and loving hugs around you and your kevin..loves ya

Trinh said...

Kevin, I'm so sorry! I will be keeping you & your family in my thoughts & prayers.

Silvenwolf said...

My deepest sympathies to you and your family. I am glad she spent her final days pain-free with those she loved best.

Virginia L. said...

So very sad to find this out. My thoughts and prayers are with you and family.

Anonymous said...

So very, very sorry. My heart goes out to you and the children. Love VivP xx

Julie said...

Sending peaceful thoughts your way, Kevin and boys...

Amanda said...

Katie, I didn't know you but I have followed your progress since the diagnoses. Although we will miss you, God is waiting for you with open arms. Rest in Peace.

My deepest sympathies to Katie's Family and Friends, I am truly sorry.

Anonymous said...

Hello Kevin
I only learned of Katie's fight yesterday, I read her blog for an hour or so last night.
While my eyes were filled with tears, I prayed for your precious family! May the Lords peace be upon you at this sad and difficult time. Please know that I will continue to pray for you and the boys!
All the very best with the planning of Katie's memorial service.
RIP sweet Katie!
Lots of love and prayers from Lisa in Brisbane, Australia.

Cassi said...

i am so sorry for your loss. katie was an inspiration as she shared her story with us.

may you rejoice in her peace and cherish the many beautiful memories of your life together.

praying for comfort, strength, and grace during this very difficult time.

Michelle said...

Hugs to you Kevin and your boys. My heart goes out to you now in your time of great sadness. I will sincerely miss Katie's shining personality here. I have three young boys about the same ages as your boys. I want you to know that Katie has reminded me to treasure each and every day with them and take nothing for granted. Thank you for keeping us updated Kevin, you are an amazing man.
Hugs Michelle.

DaisyJane said...

I didn't know Katie personally or very well, but her story, and her spirit, courage, and light touched my heart deeply. I am so very sorry for your loss Kevin, my thoughts and prayers are with you and the boys. Godspeed Katie, you will be missed you touched so many lives. May you rest in peace.

Stephanie said...

Deepest sympathies to the family, R.I.P Katie.

Anonymous said...

I am very sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!!! Katie was a beautiful person and she will be missed, but I am glad that she is now pain free!

Sarah said...

My heart aches for you and godspeed to Katie...

Sheila said...

My heart goes out to you and your family. May the precious memories comfort you and may God give you peace. My prayers are with you all.

Lee said...

Heartfelt love and prayers for you all. Katie will always be a special blessing and angel!!!

Gloria Dojlido said...

Please know that you and your boys are in my thoughts and prayers. I have followed Katie's journey from the beginning and am heartbroken for you. Her strength and courage is an inspiration to us all...

Anonymous said...

Wishing you strength to get through these tough days ahead. What a struggle it must have been for Katie and the Family. It is a blessing she is now at peace. {{{Hugs}}}

Kitty said...

My thoughts are with you and your family, Kevin. My you rest in peace Katie, your courage as you stood through your illness is truly inspiring.

Sherry Eckblad said...

Kevin, my heart goes out to you and your boys today. I never met Katie but felt like I knew her through our love of paper crafting and blogging. Now she is is at peace without anymore pain. Hugs to all of you.

Jenny said...

I am simply heartbroken for you and your family. Will be saying prayers for you all and sending thoughts of comfort and peace. Your strength and determination were beyond being inspirational...

My prayers are with you and your sweet family. Rest in peace, sweet Katie.

Unknown said...

Many prayers and much love to you and your family Kevin! We are so sorry for your great loss! Katie was well loved!!

Danielle Daws said...

My deepest condolences to you and your family, Kevin. I didn't know Katie, but felt very empowered by her strength. xx

diana said...

Thank you, Katie, for sharing your journey with us. My thoughts & prayers are with Kevin, your children and your family.

Sammi said...

I am so very sorry for your loss and am praying for you and the boys! Katie touched so many lives and will be remembered fondly by so many xxx

Sewflake said...

with a sad heart I wish your family peace.

Hugs to all
Sharon Doolittle

ALTHEA said...

Dearest Kevin and sons,
I am truly sorry for Katie's passing. I could never begin to understand the pain and loss you are experiencing. My prayer is for you and the boys to know how admired and loved your beautiful angel was. Thank you for your continued updates. Katie is now at peace and i will find peace thru your journey of grief.

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